Adding A/B Testing to CMS12

I recently saw that Optimizely released A/B Testing Package (EPiServer.Marketing.Testing) for dotnet core, meaning you can now install the A/B Testing Addon on CMS12 Install For .NET 5 use dotnet add package EPiServer.Marketing.Testing -v 3.0.0 For .NET 6 use dotnet add package EPiServer.Marketing.Testing -v 3.1.0 Configure But if you try running the site after the install, you might notice an error similar to this: info: EPiServer.Framework.Initialization.InitializationEngine[0] Initialization started fail: EPiServer.Framework.Initialization.InitializationEngine[0] Initialize action failed for 'Initialize on class EPiServer....

Friday, May 20, 2022 14:50 +0200 · 2 min